Hello! As always we hope this email finds you well rested and enjoying the remaining days of summer.
The officers recently met with Admin to discuss the return to school in a couple weeks. As you read through the update, please keep in mind that things can change daily. We have come to accept that over the last year, have we not? Again, this information, especially that concerning CoVid can change daily. If any changes happen, we will be sure to let you know as soon as we know or find out from Admin.
The next School Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 18th. At this meeting Covid and any recent developments will be discussed. There will be another School Committee meeting before the return to school on Wednesday, August 25th.
Opening Day and the start of the school year is planned to look like the “old” normal 2019! Details to follow from Central Office.
Contracts will be coming out soon, hopeful to be out by end of week which would put them in your hands sometime next week.
At this time we will not need a new MOU to begin the school year. If the need for an MOU should arise then we will meet with the District to put one together and that will be brought to the membership for a vote.
As of our meeting on the 6th there will not be any streaming or remote learning/teaching. There are a few students in the district that have severe health challenges that may need some special accommodations. All learning and teaching will be full and in person.
Wednesdays will return to full in person days for all staff and students.
Federal law states that masks are to be worn on busses, all busses, that includes busses for athletics, and in nurses offices at all times. The district will be following these guidelines.
The district will continue to follow recommendations from the local and state BOH. At this time, masks and vaccines will not be mandated by the district. Staff should feel free to mask up if that what makes them feel safe and comfortable.
Remaining PPE supplies will be distributed to buildings across the district. Classrooms will continue to receive hand sanitizer and cleaning solutions.
SJ services cleaning will return to regular staffing and cleaning schedules.
iWaves filters will be maintained and cleaned on a regular basis.
Negotiations continue. It was difficult to make progress over the summer with many of the necessary people needed to move forward traveling or being unavailable. We have a meeting scheduled for August 23rd for the remaining units, B, C, and D. Once we have met with SC and the Negotiation Reps from each unit, we will bring it to each unit for a vote. More information on what this will look like to follow.
TeachPoint, the new evaluation tool is being “rolled out”. More information will come on this. All information and evidence that was in Baseline Edge should be and is expected to be transferred over to TeachPoint.
If you have any questions or concerns about any of this information or anything else regarding our return to school, please reach out to your building representatives or officers. Enjoy the last few weeks!
Your Officers,
Kevin Kavka
Dan Moriarty
Cindy McGann
Anthony Arena-Foley